Obama, his arrogance and narcissism will not allow him to even think that ALL of the American people are not just head over heels smitten with his hijinks as our acting president

Obama Anoints Perry and Romney as Credible Candidates

- Jerry McConnell
Sunday, September 18, 2011

On September 12, 2011, there was a debate scheduled for the Republican presidential primary candidates, sponsored by CNN and the Tea Party Express (two polar opposites.) It’s a pity that they may have wasted their time that evening going through the motions of trying to hear the views and positions on the issues of all candidates; for you see, the Usurper in the White House has ‘anointed’ Texas Governor Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney as the ‘credible’ candidates.

Townhall.com published a Reuters News Report of that date headlining Obama’s statement in an interview with NBC News that Perry and Romney were the two top Republican presidential hopefuls that were credible to “challenge him for the White House in 2012.â€