... me-not-you

Busted: Obama's New Labor Secretary Demanded Secret Ballot For Herself, But Wants to Take It Away From Workers
By Ed Frank
Created 12/19/2008 - 10:30

Like most Congressional Democrats, U.S. Rep. Hilda Solis - President-elect Obama's pick to be the next Labor Secretary - is a co-sponsor of the controversial "card check" bill that would essentially do away with the secret ballot for America's working men and women in union elections.

However, it turns out Congresswoman Solis is a big supporter of the secret ballot - but only for herself! Check out this Washington Post report from February 2007, when Solis and three of her colleagues sent a letter to Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairman Joe Baca protesting the fact that the Caucus' recent election wasn't conducted with secret ballots:

"When Baca was elected, Solis, Sanchez and her sister, Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.), disputed the election procedure and unsuccessfully pushed for a new vote by secret ballot. They now say they want the governance to be restructured along the lines of the Blue Dog caucus, which disperses power among three co-chairs instead of a single chairman."

According to this article, Solis signed a letter to Baca saying that a secret ballot was necessary to protect the "integrity" of the Caucus election:

" a letter to Baca earlier this month, she, her sister, Solis and Velazquez contended the vote did not follow procedure because secret ballot votes were not taken.

"The letter requested a new vote, by secret ballot.

“While this request is not likely to change the results, and while it may seem like a mere formality, it is important that the integrity of the CHC be unquestioned and above reproach,â€