'Birther' interrupts House reading of Constitution
By Michael O'Brien - 01/06/11 11:41 AM ET

An individual who believes President Obama wasn't born in the United States interrupted a House reading Thursday of the U.S. Constitution.

Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) tweeted from the House floor that a "birther" had interrupted the Constitution reading that's been taking place.

Himes tweeted:

First interruption of the reading from the Gallery. By a birther, screaming about Obama. Unintended consequences....

The outburst in the gallery reportedly came during a reading of the section in the Constitution requiring that presidents be naturally born U.S. citizens in order to be eligible for that office. Birthers accuse Obama of not having been born in the U.S., despite the release of his birth certificate showing that he was born in Hawaii.

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