A Salute to Our Troops

This is a salute to all military active and retired. Thank you for your services worldwide. You are not forgotten! And lets not forget their spouses whose job was just as hard when their love ones are forward deployed overseas 6, 8, 12 months at a time.
I want to thank Staged.com for allowing me to share the above video from Justin Flom with you. I had no idea I would get such a response and great comments. And only those of us that have served know you don't usually call Sergeants "sir"....except in certain cases. Bootcamp being one of them. Some comments from members of the USMC mentioned they do call their Sergeants "sir".

Al Fanucchi Jr. SMC (SW) USN RETIRED - Founder,

P.s. In my 20 years in the Navy there were times I had to be on deployment in different parts of the world between the Vietnam Era and Desert Storm. Many times we stayed at sea for months at a time. In those days we didn't have internet access or cell phones. The only thing that kept us going was mail call. There were times we didn't get mail for 2 or 3 weeks at a time. Then suddenly an announcement came over the ship's intercom..."Flight Quarters! Flight Quarter! All hands man your flight quarter stations!" Inbound Helo with mail!"

Talk about 300 percent boost in morale! There was so much excitement in the air you could cut it with a knife. "We got mail!" "We got mail!"

Getting letters was awesome especially splashed with a scent of perfume. You could read it and re-read it again....smell it...re-smell it. But what really made your day was when you got a care package from home. Cookies, treats, beef jerky, or something personal that brought a snicker to your face that Ajax couldn't take off. My point is if you want to cheer up a love one who is assigned duties away from home...send him/her a care package. It will make their day...big time. Do it today!

P.S.S. A recent visitor commented that there is a free program available where people can adopt overseas service personnel. It is called "Adopt a Hero". Here is the link if this is something you might be interested in: Home

This page has been viewed 3,224,334 - as of Sept 14, 2012 Thanks for supporting our troops and letting them know "They ARE NOT Forgotten!" Keep sharing this page.


I haven't seen this in a long time and thought I would shared it with you since some one just shared it with me.