I see the Tea Party movement as being about passion, taking a stand and forcing politicians to listen to we the people.

Tea Party movement untamed

By Lloyd Marcus
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It appears everyone and his brother is seeking to categorize, direct and control the incredible increasing powerful phenomenon known as the Tea Party Movement. Some say it is doomed to fail because it does not have a single charismatic leader. Some say taking a stand on social issues such as abortion is death to the movement. Stick to the Constitution is their mantra.

Some fret, what about the in-fighting and groups splintering off to form new groups? Ticket prices sparked controversy at the first Tea Party Convention. Some believe the movement should forever remain grassroots. Some say the GOP is hijacking the movement. Some say we should not pick candidates. Some say it is silly not to pick candidates.

During CNN and BBC radio interviews, I was confronted as a black conservative with, “And what about those racist signs at the Tea Parties?â€