Following Senate passage of the most destructive legislation in U.S. history, the White House press secretary substituted a stand-up comedy act in place of a briefing — and no reporter seemed to mind

Obama Lap Dogs To The Very End

Posted 12/23/2009 06:56 PM ET

As historic legislation awaits final action, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs turns the daily news briefing into a "happy hour." AP

Media: Following Senate passage of the most destructive legislation in U.S. history, the White House press secretary substituted a stand-up comedy act in place of a briefing — and no reporter seemed to mind.

With the thousands of pages passed by the U.S. Senate at 1 a.m. Monday available online, you'd think the press corps would have some questions for the president's spokesman about the Democrats' health care plans during the first White House press briefing since the vote, and also the last of the year. Instead, what we got from America's intrepid practitioners of First Amendment freedoms was a discussion about "a pink polka-dot shirt and a checkered tie."

A press conference that began with White House press secretary Robert Gibbs announcing that since "last week we did a sort of happy hour briefing," he thought "today we'd do sort of a brunch briefing," got more trivial — and insulting by the minute.

"What color are your socks today?" Gibbs asked one member of the press corps. Then it was on to the reporter "with the snappy blue tie and hopefully darker socks," as Gibbs described his attire.

Not long after that came a question that must have kept C-SPAN junkies on the edge of their seats: "Does the president support Senator Akaka's native Hawaiian government reorganization act, creating a native Hawaiian government within the state of Hawaii?"

There were jokes about cell phones going off — "Is somebody ordering a pizza?" Gibbs asked — and of equipment being noisily dropped — "Careful ... this room isn't paid for!" said Gibbs. "This is just a rental!" But there were no serious questions about what is contained in Congress' worst-ever piece of legislation, rammed through in the middle of the night on a party-line vote.

What, for instance, does the president think about Democrats adding last-minute language that changes rules so parts of their bill may not be repealed by majority vote in future Congresses?

Republican Sen. Jim DeMint wonders if such a provision is even constitutional, since it affects "the fundamental purpose of Senate rules: to prevent a tyrannical majority from trampling the rights of the minority or of future Congresses."

What does the president who campaigned on "change we can believe in" think of the buying and selling of swing votes with a fortune in taxpayer money? And when Gibbs asserted that the legislation would "help with the skyrocketing cost of premiums," why did no reporter point out that independent studies warn that ObamaCare itself will raise premiums by thousands of dollars? ... ?id=516175