The Muslim Call to Prayer is one of the Prettiest Sounds on Earth -Barack Obama

Obama Okays Victory Mosque

By Joy Tiz Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Muslim Call to Prayer is one of the Prettiest Sounds on Earth -Barack Obama

Americans are aghast that the president approves of the construction of a Victory Mosque by a pro-terrorism imam six hundred feet from Ground Zero. Revolting, yes.

Shocking, no. One thing we know about Barack Obama is that he is committed to ruling in direct opposition to three-fourths of the American people on all core issues.

Reread his contemptible speech in Cairo, in which the president spouted flagrant falsehoods about the charms of Islam, while berating the United States for being a bit churlish about radical Muslim ideology after 9/11. Obama’s boss, George Soros, has always thought we made too much of a fuss about 9/11, an event he found “inspiringâ€