Obama and his camp are fooling themselves if they dare think that this Obama eligibility issue is going away once Obama is sworn in as President of the United States on Jan. 20, 2009.

In my opinion, I believe that Obama's problems will only get worse over the next 4 years if this Obama eligibility fiasco is not settled before Jan. 20, inauguration day.

Let's say that the following events occur:

--- Berg lawsuit: Thrown out by the Supreme Court.

--- Donofrio lawsuit: Thrown out by the Supreme Court.

--- Keyes lawsuit: Thrown out by California court.

1. If the events described above occur, does anyone really believe that
fighting, angry Americans are going to quickly give up and simply let this Obama eligibility issue disappear forever? I don't think so.

2. In my opinion, I see the public, over the next 4 years, getting even more and more angry with each passing day until Obama gives in to public pressure and releases his Hawaii long form birth certificate---the one with the names of the doctor and the birth hospital on it.

3. I also see mainstream reporters becoming more active and vocal over the next 4 years as they increasingly demand that Obama release not only his Hawaii birth certificate, but also his Hawaii hospital record and his college records.

4. So, if this Obama eligibility mess is not resolved by Jan. 20, inauguration day, then I believe that the American public will scream "Foul!" over and over and louder and louder during Obama's first term until Obama finally gives in and releases his Hawaii long form birth certificate---the one with the name of the doctor and the birth hospital on it.

5. However, if Obama continues to stonewall attempts to get him to release his long form Hawaii birth certificate, his birth hospital record, and his college records; then I see Obama becoming a one term president like Democrat President Carter.

6. The main reason I believe Obama could become a lame duck, one term president is this:

In 2012, I don't believe that the American people are going to allow Obama to get away with hiding his Hawaii birth certificate, his Hawaii birth hospital record, and his college records like they allowed Obama to do so in 2008.

7. Also, during the presidential campaign of 2012, I believe that the American people will rise up and shout in Obama's face:

"Enough already. Put up, or shut up. You fooled us with your fraud and lies in 2008, but not this time in 2012. Obama, it is time for you and your fraud and your lies to move on."

8. Yes, I see a lame duck, one term Obama presidency, if there is an Obama presidency.