Gitmo Terrorists In San Diego?!

Posted: Jan 13, 2009 08:48 AM PST

Updated: Jan 13, 2009 09:49 AM PST

What will be one of Barry Obama's TOP priorities after being sworn in?

It has nothing to do with the American people...

In fact, it has EVERYTHING to do with individuals who aren't even citizens. Am I talking about amnesty for illegal aliens?

Nah... Although I'm not arguing the notion that he has that in mind.

I'm talking about people EVEN LOWER than the illegals sucking the lifeblood out of this great nation.

One of Obama's TOP priorities will be to take good care of the very enemy we're fighting... "People" who would love nothing more than to see you and every American you know blown up or savagely decapitated...

Obama will sign an executive order that will close the Guantanamo Bay prison.

OBAMA wants to ship these terrorists to the UNITED STATES!

And WHERE in the United States?

Well, for starters... Oceanside! That's right. Part of the Gitmo scum would be shipped to Pendleton.

Not only that, they would AUTOMATICALLY be given Constitutional rights.

This has got to be one of Barack Obama's DUMBEST ideas.

And unfortunately, it was also the idea of one of our own: John McCain. That's right. In the case of giving this terrorist scum the same rights as Joe Blow the criminal, we had ABSOLUTELY no say.

Crap like this makes one long for the days of General Patton!

COME ON! As if our jury system isn't slow, inefficient and clogged up enough... Imagine what it will be like with a bunch of terrorists waiting for trials?! It's CRAZY, it's DANGEROUS, and it's TREASONOUS.

THINK ABOUT IT: These guys are SO BAD, they don't even fall under the Geneva Convention!

Liberals like this drive me NUTS. Why? Because they are no different than the ROSENBERG'S. And modern-day society chooses to accept their deplorable actions.

Here's a June '08 flashback from the liberal's idea of the Messiah... (courtesy Miami Herald Media):

'Enforcing such rights for detainees in Guantanamo, Obama said, is "the essence of who we are." Even after Nazi atrocities became known in the 1940s, he said, "we still gave them a day in court" at the Nuremberg trials. ''That taught the entire world about who we are,'' he said.'

WOW... Obama... The Nazis belonged to a SPECIFIC country. They were an evil army of a real nation. THAT is why they fell under habeas corpus and the Geneva Convention!!

These terrorist rat bastards in Gitmo, on the other hand, do NOT belong to any specific military, country, or official group...

They are a rogue clan of extremist demons... they follow no rules, no country, no flag... They blend in with civilians and follow no rules.

We are fighting a completely different kind of enemy, OBAMA.

Get your facts straight.

In my opinion, this is a COMPLETE slap in the face to all military men and women fighting the War on Terror.

Obama: You, sir, are an abomination.