Obama Puts Foot in Mouth Again – This Time Claiming NBA Owner Comments Racist

Obama Puts Foot in Mouth Again – This Time Claiming NBA Owner Comments Racist : Freedom Outpost http://ow.ly/wdkTq

Suzanne Hamner
27 mins ago

Obama really doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut or maybe he opens his mouth to comment on alleged racist remarks to stir the race-baiting pot. First, Obama indicated police acted "stupidly" when confronting a black man outside his own home because the home-owner would not provide any identification indicating who he was. Next, Obama stepped into the spotlight in the Trayvon Martin circus declaring his son might look like Martin if he had one. Now, Obama, while in Malaysia as part of his four-country Asian tour, has voiced opinion on the alleged racist comments by Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling.

The comments in question made by Sterling were recorded and posted on the website TMZ. A male voice questioned V. Stiviano's association with minorities. Stiviano is reported to be Sterling's girlfriend. In the recording, a male voice told Stiviano not to broadcast her association with black people and not to bring "black people to my games." Specifically, a male voice mentioned Magic Johnson, Lakers Hall Of Fame member, by saying, "Don't bring him to my games, OK?"

True to form, Obama could not miss an opportunity to stir the pot in order to continue the division of America along racial lines. The POS POTUS called the remarks "incredibly offensive racist statements." Naturally, this illegitimate, fraudulent man occupying the People's House used the remarks to cast "them as part of a continuing legacy of slavery and segregation …."

According to FOX news, Obama had this to say regarding the alleged comments by Sterling:
"When ignorant folks want to advertise this ignorance, you don't really have to do anything, you just let them talk," Obama said when asked to respond to Sterling's reported comments.

Obama cast the comments through a broader prism of racism in America, adding that "we constantly have to be on guard on racial attitudes that divide us rather than embracing our diversity as a strength."

"The United States continues to wrestle with the legacy of race and slavery and segregation, that's still there, the vestiges of discrimination," Obama said during a news conference in Malaysia, where he was traveling.

"We've made enormous strides, but you're going to see this percolate up every so often," he added. "And I think that we just have to be clear and steady in denouncing it, teaching our children differently, but also remaining hopeful that part of why statements like this stand out some much is because there has been a shift in how we view ourselves."

Obama expressed confidence that NBA commissioner Adam Silver will handle the matter.
Why did not Obama just express that confidence in the NBA to handle their own business in the first place and leave the rest alone? If he had done that, an opportunity would have been missed to stir the race-baiting pot, otherwise known as the "anti-white" pot.

As was stated in one of my previous articles, we are all Americans regardless of race, creed, religion, gender or sexual orientation; period, end of story. Were the man's comments inappropriate? Of course, they were. But, those comments were no more inappropriate than those of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. Where is Obama commenting on the racist remarks issued by these jokers? Was it not by his own mouth that he said we must denounce racism and teach our children differently? Why yes it was. Oh, that's right, it's only racist when white people say something inappropriate. Talk about a double standard.

America did have a moment in its history when slavery was acceptable and segregation the norm. However, that has been remedied and it is long past time for everyone, including America's leadership, to "get over it," "move forward," and stop using it as a crutch for the supposed impression of perpetual victimization and instillation of guilt. The racist discrimination street runs in all directions. This street has been repaved, cleaned up and continually traveled by the likes of Obama, his attorney general and others in the administration. If it percolates up every so often, in the words of Obama, it's because this administration has made sure the issue is refreshed from time to time, the pot stirred and the supposed impression of perpetual victimization kept alive to create chaos and division among Americans while attempting to invoke instillation of guilt among the administration defined oppressors.

Again, the open mouth, insert foot maneuver never fails to escape this liar-in-chief when he speaks without a teleprompter. While posturing for his lapdog news sycophants, this fraud that does everything in his power to divide America along racial lines, proclaims "we have to be on guard on racial attitudes that divide us rather than embracing our diversity as a strength." If this man thought diversity was such a strength, he would not be trying to divide America, but unite it as many low information voters thought would happen being the first Black president – who is also White, but that is never mentioned by the fraud or his lapdog media zombies. It would appear Obama has a problem with his own diversity, never embracing the other race that comprises who he is. One wonders if he dislikes part of himself because of being part White.

Obama has ignored the racial remarks and baiting made by the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson; he has remained eerily silent when their racist rhetoric starts. His silence marks consent or condoning of their racist remarks indicating he is a racist. But, as previously indicated, the fraud cannot resist jumping on racist comments issued by someone who is white or bringing up past issues that have been resolved. This has done nothing to elevate Obama in the eyes of America and certainly has done nothing to elevate the Black community. It has done the opposite.

It is evident by Obama's remarks that he is playing the pot while calling the kettle black. As we all have been taught, both the pot and kettle are black. Maybe all Americans should do as the ignorant Obama suggests when he speaks advertising his own ignorance – do nothing and just let him talk. In other words, ignore Barack Obama.

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