
Believe it or not. I found this by accident while trying
to work with the layers in Obama's LFBC.

As this image shows, Obama's LFBC has handwritten
sets of text throughout the document if you use the right
color coding to find it. I stumbled onto the correct color
codes to reveal this handwritten text.

Allen Welsh Dulles was head of the CIA in 1961
when Obama was supposed to be born in HI.
The presence of AWGD could be initials with
an added code for confirmation. But there is
no mistake of the CIA-61 text part.

I felt this find was worthy of it's own thread
As it directly connects Obama's birth to the CIA.

But don't take my word for it, you do your own

thank you boon

I brought up the image in my editor to full view.
Then I clicked on the color edit button which
allowed me to use a slider to adjust different
shades of coloring in the image.

When I got to a certain setting, this text was revealed.
I was shocked to find it. Actually I was really looking for the shadows of the original intended text like OBAMA and HUSSEIN to highlight the white background to make it easier to see.

Then this popped up.

hahahaha, ya never know what you're gonna find in government documents And I'd bet ya a million dollars they didn't think this was gonna be revealed.

Source: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread695331/pg1


At the top and looked at from a distance, your mind tries to fill in the top as "HOME OF BIRTH", which would make sense, since this is a birth certificate. CIA-61 is definitely visible, as is LA (Los Angeles? Louisiana? Somewhere else?). However, 712 is also very visible, although I'm not sure what it means, if anything.