Click on the link to grade Obama - right now he has a D. ... ws00000005

Obama Report Card
By Michael Kraskin
Mar 6th 2009 5:31PM
Filed Under:eBarack Obama, Healthcare, Obama Administration

Over at Jack & Jill Politics, Baratunde Thurston sings Obama's praises for lifting the ban on embryonic stem cell reasearch.

Let's hear it for the role of science! I know it was a long time ago, but it's worth remember the actions G. W. Bush took within his first months as president. Back in November, we got strong hints that Obama was prepared to put America back on more reasonable footing.
And for that, Mr. Thurston gives the President an "A."

Take a moment to grade Obama on these topics, and be sure to check back Monday, when we reset his report card for another grueling week of standardized testing.

Be sure to explain your grades down in the comments.