Dog bites cost $387M in homeowners liability claims in '08

By Anne Godlasky, USA TODAY

A dog barks at a passerby outside a residence in Brockton, Mass. Dog bites cost $387 million in 2008 in homeowners insurance liability claims, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

Dog bite claims:

Cost a total $387 million in 2008
Were up 8.7% from the previous year

The average cost of claims was $24,461 in '08

"The rise in dog bite claims over the course of the past five years can be attributable to the increased medical costs as well as the size of settlements, judgments and jury awards which have risen well above inflation in recent years," said Loretta Worters, the institute's vice president.

The CDC calls the 4.5 million annual dog bites in the U.S. a "largely preventable public health issue" and shares these tips to keep kids safe and dogs behaved:

Do research on breeds, training before bringing a dog into your home, especially if you have kids.

Spay/neuter your dog (this often reduces aggressiveness).

Don't leave kids alone with a dog, and tell them not to play with the dog without an adult.

Don't wrestle or play aggressively with your dog.

Teach kids not to approach an unfamiliar dog.

Socialize your dog and teach it submissive behaviors (e.g., rolling over to expose its belly).

Teach kids to stay motionless: "be still like a tree" when approached by an unfamiliar dog and rolled up, "still like a log" if knocked over.
Avoid direct eye contact with a dog.

Teach kids not to disturb a dog that is sleeping, eating or caring for puppies.

READERS: Have you ever been bitten by a dog? What do you do to prevent your dog from biting others?

--By Anne Godlasky, USA TODAY