Dear Concerned American,

Not only has the news reported today that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is scheming to raise the debt ceiling with no real spending cuts, but if this plan goes through, Senator McConnell will have handed yet more power over to the Executive Branch - just because the Senate GOP Leadership doesn't want to have to "deal with it" again!

In addition to surrendering more of Congress' power to President Obama, there is no timetable for the cuts in the bill - so they're rendered effectively meaningless.

And the ceiling will be raised "automatically" THREE TIMES during this Congress alone!

Only one thing will stop such a deal: You and I raising a cry of opposition that scares sense back into the Republican leadership.

I'm doing all I can. Will you join me?

If Senator McConnell's raw deal goes through, I'm afraid President Obama will have the Tea Party on life support.

I refuse to sit still while another Big Government-empowering compromise to raise the debt ceiling is forced on the American people, but limited government patriots will only prevail if our elected officials hear from us right away!

Please sign the petition to your representative and senators DEMANDING that they reject Senator Mitch McConnell's scheme to raise the debt limit with no real spending cuts. The petition also demands they oppose any other business as usual compromise and instead join me in signing the "Cut, Cap, and Balance" pledge right away.

And if you could make a generous contribution to my Presidential campaign to help me spread my message about fiscal sanity and responsibility, it'll enable us to mobilize even more Americans to join our fight to Restore America Now!

For Liberty,
Ron Paul
Ron Paul

Debt Ceiling Betrayal Petition to:

My Representative and Senators

Whereas: Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has developed a plan to pass increases in the debt ceiling automatically with no real spending cuts; and

Whereas: Under this scheme, the debt limit will be raised automatically three times in this Congress alone, handing the Executive Branch even more power; and

Whereas: Should such a plan succeed, this will represent a betrayal to the American people who overwhelmingly voted for Republicans to cut spending and stand up to President Obama;

Therefore: I demand that you stand up to the political establishment by rejecting this and any other business as usual compromise on the debt ceiling. Instead, I urge you to join Ron Paul in signing the "Cut, Cap, and Balance" pledge immediately if you have not yet done so. ... l?pid=0712
