How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation?

Last Noel for Marxist Elitists?

By John Lillpop
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What a difference seven months of liberal incompetence in the hands of Obama-Pelosi-and Reid can yield!

Just last May, James Carville, Democrat savant from the swamps of Louisiana, gazed into his crystal ball and saw forty years of unhindered Marxism in America’s future.

Refusing to consider the fact that Obama’s election, and that of Democrat majorities in both houses, was but an aberration, a mental breakdown of the American electorate induced by ACORN voter fraud, hatred for George W. Bush, a massive sell-out by the mainstream media, and far too much campaign cash for any Kenyan Democrat from Illinois to be trusted with, Carville put pen to paper and out driveled, 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation.

As reported, in part, at, Carville’s chortling was bitter bile for conservatives still nursing open wounds from the November 4, 2008 mass suicide committed by more than 69 million Americans:

“Democratic political strategist James Carville has cold words for The Republican Party as it struggles to recover from massive losses in election 2008. In his new book, 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation, according to Diane Sawyer of ABC’s Good Morning America, Carville writes,

“‘Republicans shouldn’t be worried. They should be in agony. They should be throwing up. Republicans had better get a better policy on prescription drugs and quickly. They’re gonna need a lot more Prozac.’â€