Obama Tries Ditching ACORN

Judicial Watch
Thu, 09/17/2009 - 3:27pm

Now that he’s settled into the White House, Barack Obama is shamelessly attempting to distance himself from the notoriously corrupt leftwing community group that helped him get elected.

The scandal-plagued Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), well known for voter fraud, embezzlement and cooking the books, endorsed Obama and fought hard to get him elected. Not surprising considering the taxpayer-funded group has strong Democratic Party ties (Howard Dean and Bill Clinton praise its activism) and Obama proudly worked for it as a community organizer in Chicago.

In 2008 Obama’s presidential campaign paid ACORN more than $800,000 for services such as polling, advance work and staging major events. A Pittsburgh newspaper later reported that Obama covertly amended Federal Election Commission reports to say that the money went to so-called “get-out-the-voteâ€