I don't think anyone here will bet real money against the outcome. The real issue is, what do I want to say to all the political pundits with MY vote for the President? I voted absentee in California for Alan Keyes. Keyes is the only person actually on the ballot who is against amnesty (Baldwin is a write-in) There are several candidates who are vastly different from John McCain on limited government, social issues, open borders, free trade, and illegal immigration: Keyes, Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, etc. I honestly cannot articulate how one can interpret what a vote for John McCain means. It is a vote against Obama, sure, but so are the others. This will help all the nerds who pore over the election data, precinct by precinct, and determine what candidates they want to run in the next election, and give incumbents a real temperature reading on how they will vote in the next two years. I know I got three votes for Keyes this week from people pissed off at Obama. What did you do?