The Conservative Advance Into Pop Culture
by Mike Carr

01/16/2009 Print This

Conservatives are having a St. Paul-on-the-road-to-Damascus type conversion as of late. After spending decades eschewing the popular culture, they now realize the value striving to influence it.

For the past few years, organizations like the American Film Renaissance have been promoting conservative movies from established actors such as Patricia Heaton and Gary Sinise. These events also furnish an opportunity for unknown, conservative artists to present their works -- something Hollywood would never do.

Conservatives used to approach the pop culture with a laager mentality -- they prohibit their kids from watching television or listening to popular music. As if eliminating exposure to the popular culture would prevent them from being affected by it. Continued

Unless they are prepared to live in a compound in Surinam, or join Rambo in a remote village in Tibet, they and their kids are going to be exposed to the popular culture.

Other reactions by conservatives to the pop culture have been to form their own subsets. They established genres like “Christian Rockâ€