Shake 'n' Bake Soviet America

Posted: August 27, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
© 2009

The communistic model that grew out of Soviet Russia has always consisted of the avaricious human garbage who cannot prosper in a merit-based system co-opting the power structure and enslaving those who are not a waste of nucleic acids. This has nothing to do with race, nationality, ethnicity or gender; it has to do with the philosophical excrement that finds a ready haven in the hearts and minds of men and women.

Utilizing a formulaic strategy and aid from willing participants in Congress, Barack Obama participated in bringing the U.S. economy to its knees via the accursed Community Reinvestment Act before even being elected. Since his election, and in the aftermath of the economic implosion of late 2008, Obama hurriedly and wantonly spent what will ultimately amount to trillions of taxpayer dollars. He has effectively taken over the U.S. auto industry and appointed a shadow government of over three dozen "czars" who answer only to him. At present, he is attempting to transfer one-sixth of the American economy to control of the federal government via "health-care reform," and has an attorney general who is taking steps to dangerously compromise our intelligence agencies at a time of war. Obama has employed dedicated communists, former Black Panthers and other subversives to administer government and craft sinister and insidious forms of legislation that will secure unprecedented and perilously potent authority for his administration.

Throughout 2007 and 2008, I and certain of my colleagues charged that, if elected, Obama would attempt to actualize the Marxist vision he had held all of his adult life (but cloaked with help from the establishment press) and substantially weaken the U.S. as a world power. We were ridiculed, maligned and slandered. Now that this is in fact occurring, although the deceived and true believers deny it and continue to support Obama, many ordinary Americans are now feeling the sting of derision from those who seek to relieve us of our constitutionally guaranteed liberties.

Convince the American people we're not communists, get into office, and take over …

To my knowledge, the above was never actually uttered by anyone now in government. It may be an oversimplification, but at this juncture, I will debate anyone alive as to its accuracy respecting our current president, his minions and his benefactors.

Let the world know your solution to tyranny and socialism in America with the magnetic bumper sticker: "IMPEACH OBAMA!"

As regards the ongoing debate over the current health-care reform proposal, certain more moderate pundits have asserted that President Obama is merely "principled," and thus sees the implementation of this legislation as so crucial that it must be done, even if it results in his being a one-term president.

This is a naïve assessment; a more accurate one is that Obama pulled off the greatest deception in electoral history during his campaign for president. He ran as a moderate, with the establishment press reinforcing that image; as soon as he took office, he began employing every Marxist tool in his kit. In the quest to manifest his communistic vision, he sees an "all or nothing" picture. He will drag America – kicking and screaming if need be – far enough to the left that there will be no coming back. If he fails and destroys the Democratic Party in the process, at least he tried.

If that's "principled," I'm a klansman.

A few weeks ago in this space, I posed the question of whether it was really so difficult to believe in evil being a factor in the machinations of our government. You might be an individual who believes that evil is a choice, or you might hold a religious view – that evil is an indwelt or metaphysical phenomenon. This distinction is moot, however, given the nature of the potential outcomes.

It would be another matter entirely if the majority of Americans endorsed a move toward a socialist or Marxist paradigm of society. The reality – and we are seeing evidence of this in the outrage over health care legislation – is that most do not approve of Obama's performance overall, and even less support his frantic efforts to create a Shake 'n' Bake Soviet America.

Behind the scenes and the oh-so-smooth Chicago politician who may appear either genuinely sincere or masterfully conniving are some truly evil people, ones for whom concepts such as "natural law" and "private property" are anathema. They seek to supplant Americans' entire existence with one wholly alien to that which they now enjoy – one that will be repressive, malignant and cruel.

Even to most of Obama's detractors, this suggestion may as yet be unfathomable. You may find yourself tremendously incredulous at this juncture. But ask yourself this: If there is only a one-tenth of one percent probability of the outcomes I describe actually manifesting, is failure to do everything within our means to resist them (while we still can) an acceptable risk?