Democrats' favorite trick of telling the BIG LIE over and over again

House GOP Has Plan to Cut Spending $6 Trillion Over 10 Years; Dems Want to Keep Spending

- Jerry McConnell
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Everyone in the United States and also, the rest of the world, knows that this country is spending money like mentally challenged Democrat politicians. Come to think of it, that’s exactly what has been happening as our socialist-minded, free living for their constituents and heavier payments for the job producing entrepreneurs, liberal Democrats continue to insist on destroying the very financial fibers of our nation.

Compare these two statements from two U. S. House Representatives of each political apparatus; one by the top budget committee person for each:

For the Republicans - Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.: “People 55 and over would remain in the current system, but younger workers would receive subsidies that would steadily lose value over time. Ryan says those who can pay more will have to do so while lower income Americans will still be covered.â€