Live Feed From Syntagma Square

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/05/2012 11:17 -0500

With Greek politicians on the verge of selling out the population more than ever before only to preserve the country's ability to be an ECB toll stop, where it takes Troika money and promptly pays Greek creditor banks, the time to return to the Syntagma Square webcam has arrived especially since tonight is the night when the population learns if Greece will comply once again with Troika demands for record austerity or finally cut the cord. Because with the latest round of troika demands being that "the minimum wage be cut to less than 600 euros ($790) a month and that at least one holiday allowance, the so-called 13th and 14th wages, be abolished, Mega TV said" and that "pensions paid by supplementary funds should be cut by 35 percent" it the local population believes that waving goodbye to one's retirement to fund a bank's bonus is worth it, then it deserves all the bending over it gets.

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And for those wondering, here is a reminder how out of every euro in bialouts, only 19 cents actually goes toward the country (and of that we assume a big portion is to fund European military purchases).

Live Feed From Syntagma Square | ZeroHedge