Obama's Plan For US
By Ethan Allen

Maybe it's time for a little lesson in geopolitics and the game of power plays. Maybe the entire world needs a lesson in how the oligarchy run things and see where this is all heading before we actually watch it unfold as Obama takes office and declares a new age of international cooperation that only moves us all one step closer to global government and total control by the power elite.

In just the last few days there have already been a slew of articles from the beltway proclaiming a need for a new international reserve currency, for the establishment of a new global central bank (is if the IMF and Bank of International Settlements weren't enough), and even yet more cries for global restrictions on carbon use and the implementation of global environmental controls.

Now, what does all of this mean? It would seem the immediate crisis facing the markets will be one of Obama's biggest hurdles.

Millions of investors and worried consumers around the globe have already pinned the blame of our current money problems on Bush, yet Obama's tax and spend policies (his days in the Senate have hardened him into yet another big spend Dem) will only dry out the coffers that much faster, to say nothing about creating new environmental agencies, a domestic stasi security force, and possibly even the implementation of some form of mandatory national healthcare plan.

None of these things are remotely possible without taxing to death what's left of the American taxpayer, who is already bearing the brunt of a multi-trillion dollar national debt (upwards of $500 trillion if you count global derivative markets).

The move towards globalism will bring in new taxes, regulations, and pains few people have the vision or wisdom to see, for most have bought into the idea that Obama is the man to undo what Bush has done for the last 8 years, but have spent little enough time to actually follow up on what and how Obama will do the things he says he will do, which is another reason so much of Obama's campaign has been about big broad strokes of 'change' and 'hope'.

Change and hope are not good companions to have when they sit next to depression and starvation at the big table.

Really the only things Obama has been specific about doing should send chills down the spine of every American, left or right. He has pledged to bring in a new era of environmental policies to combat global warming, which is itself still a contested issue (to say nothing of the costs of how this will be done).

He has also pledged to fight crime and terrorism using a 'domestic civilian security force', one that is just as well funded and strong as our military. Do you know what that means if it is put in place? Yes, we're talking an American version of the black shirted fascists of Italy or brown shirted SA of nazi Germany.

The government will actually train and equipment hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans, mainly the young, to spy on their fellow Americans, and possibly even arrest or fine them for using the wrong kind of lightbulb, for using too much water during the summer, for buying a gas guzzler car, for having too many children, for eating too much, for daring to criticize the government, so on and so forth.

This level of in your face environmentalist whackery has never really been implemented or even debated in our public discourse, but if Obama gets his way, we'll get a crash course in what it's like to be surrounded on all sides by spies, spooks, and green revolution nutjobs who are being paid by the state to be professional snitches and thugs.

Rarely have we been faced with the threat of seeing our nation being turned into one giant prison camp with eco-nazis and censorship mongers running roughshod over our rights and very lives. The New World Order doesn't care one bit about the either the environment or our rights, but will use President Obama as a battering ram to sacrifice our rights on the altar of 'cooperation' and global community.

While the left was somewhat effective in waking people up to the evils of the Bush presidency, they should have been exposing the system and institutions themselves as the harbingers of the evil. For what Bush did will only be continued and even expanded by Obama.

Will the left continue to decry the elimination of habeas corpus? Will they continue to demand that we bring our troops home from Iraq? Will they still cry foul over the police state and suppression of our first amendment rights? Or will they heed Obama's call for the restricting of our second amendment rights, defend the established order and help Obama push for a new global government?

Eco-nazis, carbon cards, the death of the dollar, more pushes for global government, continued proxy wars, a new fairness doctrine and censorship laws, crushing debts and taxes.

Is this the kind of 'change' America wants?
