By Michael Moriarty
August 16, 2011

George Soros now rules over half of the Earth: Eurasia, North America and, with his foot in Brazil, a large hunk of South America.

With a Sorosian Barack Obama running the United States, a Sorosian Vladimir Putin running the neo Soviet Union of Third Millennium Russia, and that earliest of Sorosian visionaries, Dr. Henry Kissinger of Harvard, running an eternally Sorosian dialogue with the Tweedledees and Tweedledums of Red China, we have an entirely Sorosian New World Order.

The old euphemism for Marxist, the eternally resurrected treasonous lie called Progressive, has once again, as with Henry A. Wallace failed the smell test.

Therefore the new word for Progressive must be Sorosian.

HOLLYWOOD Sorosified: Oh, those rumored “splitsâ€