First get rid of the liberal Democrats that encourage the spread of Islam and then get control of the Muslims that perpetrate it and enforce OUR Constitution

Is Sharia Law Creeping Into American Lives?

By Jerry McConnell
Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Muslims downplay the above question by scoffingly answering in the negative despite mounting evidence to the contrary. Of course getting devious answers from Muslims is to be expected; that is, until they are ready to threaten a lawsuit due to being offended.

The February 19, 2010 online Bear Creek Ledger (TN) writer Toni stated “You can see the tell tale signs of creeping Sharia Law (Islamic law) through lawsuits and demands made by Muslims in America on an almost daily basis. Whether it’s the Somali Muslim cabdrivers (Mpls.,MN) who refuse to pick up fares who have been consuming alcohol to disabled people with a service canine ... xceptions/ or it could be something like Muslims demanding foot baths in a public building, it’s the incremental creep of imposing Sharia Law in the US.â€