The conservative Worcester Telegram-Gazette has come out questioning the official FBI story on the "Irwin anthrax attacks." We are in the hands of, in the words of former Reagan official Paul Craig Roberts, "insane war criminals." Congress when it returns to DC next week must begin an impeachment hearing immediately! Please call the Republican congressmen listed at the end this and tell them no more games. Please go to Impeachment from Left to Right for more actions to take. I wonder if the editors of the Worcester T-G will get a suspicious envelope in the mail now?

[quote]Too little information on anthrax attacks
Worcester Telegram-Gazette Editors

An FBI briefing on Monday was supposed to bolster the agency’s conclusion that a lone, disturbed bioterrorism scientist was responsible for the 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people, sickened 17 others and terrified the country. It fell short of its goal.

The FBI spent years pointing a finger at a different suspect. It is not enough for the agency to brush off continuing skepticism. “There’s always going to be a spore on a grassy knoll,â€