Harold Camping is at it again. According to his calculations, today — October 21, 2011 — is supposed to be the end. He’s made this type of prediction before, in 1994 and May 21st of this year. He will be wrong today. I’m so sure of this that I’m on my way to speak on the topic of prophecy today and tomorrow at Holly Ridge Baptist Church (608 Tribal Road, Blacksburg, SC 29702-8394).

Before Harold Camping, there were Chuck Smith and Hal Lindsey and dozens of others. Lindsey is the author of the widely and wildly popular The Late Great Planet Earth (1970). It’s sold around 30 million copies since it was first published. Smith is a popular and well-respected Bible teacher. What many people don’t know or remember is that they set some very specific dates of their own in the 1970s, claiming that the end would come in 1988.

How is it possible that most evangelical critics of Harold Camping don’t take a close look at some of their own number? In nearly every article I’ve read by evangelicals denouncing Camping, they still claim that all the signs are in place for Jesus’ “soonâ€