There is a point of hope to this post...

My mom and dad (82 and 85) are as main stream hard core mid western "natural born" farm raised judao paying, once or twice a week church serving/tithing, flag in the front yard, hate discrimination, strangely one is D (blue dog) one is R, wonderful sweet (thou hard mule headed stubborn) family county first, loving and loyal people as you can find any place in America.

Over the years it has been interesting to talk to them because I have a window into the world they live...which... is the epitome of "moral majority" America which has been for about the last 100 or so years. This helping me to understand what most of America is going through...mostly a denial process.

I have shared over the years with the normal accusatory "you always think you know soooo much..." over tones.

But...I have learned not to try and change their minds about anything...I just talk about things and in the last 6 months the TV is trained all day on news shows. I have them watching the good and bad LMS to see the hypocrisy and they love Glenn Beck now. Mom calls him "Glennie..."

My Dad is so mad now that he says bad words (he is not known for cursing) about Obama and my mom says about the government "It's like watching a train wreck..." Mom is appalled by the immigration issues, leans toward law enforcement (supports SB1070) and does not understand the Feds posturing against Arizona.

My point? When people like this drop the "you think you know everything" and have picked up on what is happening and are watching you tube videos about the Constitution and Ron Paul gives me some hope for America.

The up coming elections should be interesting. We talk about ethnic and social group pandering. I think they have forgotten "moral majority" and they are Tea Party pissed off! I think they are still the largest demographic.

If they are all waking up as my folks are and if they truly do see the socialistic anti American dictatorship take will be a great election. Look for a lot of white hair and red elephants at the political events. I guess we understand now why the democraps have a jack ass for their political agenda.

Just wanted to give the room some hope!!!!