Royal Meteorological Society is pushing Global Warming

Overcoming Climate Inertia

By Joseph A Olson, PE
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion is that a body in motion stays in motion unless acted on by another force. This law seems to apply to more than just the physical world for it seems to apply to society as well. It appears to apply to divisions of society, like the Royal Society.

Isaac Newton was one of the earliest and certainly the most distinguished member of the Royal Society. He joined at a time when all members meet weekly to discuss their difficulties and progress in their wide range of scientific interests. These meetings fostered the principles of the English Scientific Method. These principles were those of openness, measurability and repeatability that have been the hallmarks of quality science for the last 350 years.

On Nov 19, 2009 the scientific world was shocked in to admitting what we all had secretly always know, human caused climate change was a FRAUD. What had been publically paid for and would have directed massive public spending was also being claimed to protection as ‘private’. The Hadley hacking exposed what should have always been open and was considered ‘theft’ by some for a brief time. That indefensible position was quickly abandoned.

Fast forward to Jan 5, 2010 and a visit to the Royal Meteorological Society (RMS) has a rather shocking surprise. There is an article lamenting the “Failure in Copenhagenâ€