Recall effort roils San Fernando
By Connie Llanos, Staff Writer
Article Last Updated: 07/21/2008 01:56:42 AM PDT

Click photo to enlargeJulie Ruelas is mayor pro tem of San Fernando. (Evan Yee/Staff Photographer)«123»

SAN FERNANDO - Its leaders like to see this city as a sort of Latino Mayberry, an idyllic small-town oasis surrounded by the most urbanized areas of the San Fernando Valley.

With new redevelopment plans, a beefed-up police force and more government grant money flowing, San Fernando city officials have been working hard to live up to that image.

But even as those efforts move forward, an increasing number of city residents have grown dissatisfied with the city's leadership, prompting them to launch a recall effort against two of the City Council's five members.

The signatures are due Tuesday, and organizers say they fully expect to qualify for the November ballot.

"When you live here day to day you begin to see the broken system," said Gilbert Berriozabal, a resident active in the recall effort. "There is so much potential, so much that could be done."

Recall organizers accuse council members Jose Hernandez and Julie Ruelas of mismanaging public funds, exercising political favors and holding back development in the community of 25,000 residents.

They remain frustrated by slow progress downtown and the failure to open an elaborate new aquatic center that is years late and millions of dollars over budget.

Hernandez and Ruelas deny any wrongdoing. They cite San Fernando's recent progress, like the renovation of its downtown strip and its dramatic decrease in crime, as proof of their solid work for the community.

"I have been working for 21 years serving the people of San Fernando and have lived here for 37. ... I want the best for this community," Hernandez said. "There are just people now who want to get rid of me."

Ruelas, who has been on the council for five years, sees the recall as a distraction.

"I have so many things I want to do for the city," she said. "It's unfortunate that I have to give attention to something like this rather than something more productive."

Tensions in this tight-knit community have risen recently as members of the recall and anti-recall campaigns accuse each other of lying and harassment.

It's not the first time politics have turned ugly here. Downtown development proposals, including efforts to bring a movie theater downtown, have often resulted in fights.

In 2001, the council campaign turned so bitter that every candidate filed police complaints against their opponents for offenses such as sign stealing and even dog theft.

And in the past six years developments have been stalled by disagreements among the five-member council over the long-delayed aquatic facility, the streetscape projects and some downtown redevelopment efforts.

"San Fernando is a nice city. ... It's incredible how it's a separate municipality of 25,000 people completely surrounded by Los Angeles," said George Garcia, a political science professor at California State University, Northridge.

"But like any City Council, there are disagreements when changes are proposed. ... It is a pipe dream to say that it's a small little town and this won't happen - that's the political process."

Brenda Esqueda, a San Fernando resident for the past 15 years, said her recall group was formed in April after Hernandez and Ruelas voted to approve two downtown projects from a developer who had bounced a $50,000 check to the city.

Walking door to door to get signatures after work and on the weekends, the recall group had collected 1,800 signatures as of Friday, just above the 1,760 needed to qualify.

Paula Duvivier, who has lived in San Fernando for 14 years, said she was signing the petition because she doesn't support the current city administration.

"It's time to update San Fernando," she said. "These people haven't even gotten us a movie theater, any restaurants."

But Hernandez said he believes the recall has been organized by a key San Fernando developer who recently sued him and the city.

Sev Aszkenazy sued the city after it allegedly failed to follow procedure when it denied him a liquor license. He also sued Hernandez and accused him of having a racial bias and making anti-Semitic remarks, which Hernandez has denied.

But Aszkenazy said he has nothing to do with the recall effort.

"I am not involved and they don't want me involved," he said. "Frankly my involvement would hurt them. But I believe those two council members shouldn't be serving the community. I have witnessed their decision making and it's not in the community's best interest."

Several supporters of Hernandez and Ruelas have launched their own anti-recall effort.

"San Fernando used to be a scary place to live," said Nick Kalogris, a spokesman for the anti-recall group that calls itself Save our City. "I feel these council members are good people who have helped make San Fernando a safer and better place to live."

Veto Ruiz, a San Fernando resident who teaches at California State University, Northridge, said he felt the recall wasn't worth the estimated $40,000 it will cost the city to run the election.

"Do we just recall people because we disagree with them?" Ruiz said. "I thought it took something major."

Heightening the tension between the two groups are claims that both have harassed each other and lied to the community to get more signatures in favor of their causes.

Adriana Gomez, a resident of San Fernando and an employee of Aszkenazy, filed a police report against David Casillas, Hernandez's son-in-law. Gomez said Casillas came up to her when she was protesting near Hernandez's home and verbally abused her.

But Hernandez said he had just returned from the hospital with his wife, and his son-in-law was asking the petitioners to walk away from his home.

Those working in the anti-recall effort said the recall activists have come to their rallies undercover and have lied about their identities to get information.

More impartial residents, such as Patty Lopez, said both sides have gone too far.

"I know there are problems in this community," Lopez said. "But we have to come together for the benefit of our community, not fight amongst each other."



Showing posts 1 - 16 of 16 Jack
Los Angeles, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#1 4 hrs ago
Amazing....I wonder of La Raza or MECHA is going to send in their storm troopers and save the day for these walking brain donors.
Mission Hills, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#2 4 hrs ago
I live in the San Fernando area and have been following what has been going on with the recall efforts. This whole story makes the recall effort sound like it's just a joke!! This recall effort has nothing to do with Askenazy. This recall group was started by a group of citizens that just were fed up with the way the city is run. Of course the council members are going to only emphasis the aspects of the city that are going to make them shine. The recall effort is not stating that they haven't done any good for the city, the problem is all the wrong that has been done with the city. To call San Feranndo the "Latin Mayberry"? I don't think that term applies. The city needs to be brought into the 21st century.

If I remember correctly the city is in a 2.5 million dollar deficit. Jose Hernandez has cost the city 2.5 million dollars in settlement costs and legal fees for an anti-semetic remark that he has made. What was not also mentioned was the graffiti services have been cut. Did these two concilmembers conveniently forget to mention that they wanted to do business with a different developer that doesn't have his own finances straight. This developer bounced a $50,000 check to the city and proceeded to write another check to the city on a closed account. This developer proceeded to deny these "accusations" to the city council even though they had physical proof to back this up. So I think that spending $40,000 for the election is a drop in the bucket for what the city has had to pay.

The recall isn't being done just because they want to, its being done because it HAS TO BE DONE. It is time to bring in some new ideas into the city. There's just too many special projects that are being done that the city is not able to finish. Everyone agrees with creating a better city but just how it is done is what is in question.
George H
AOL Reply »
|Report Abuse |#3 3 hrs ago
It is unfortunate that I have personal knowledge of Dr. H anti-semetic character. It has been known within the actual city employee's and various city activists for many years but yet we dealt with it for the purpose of him not getting within our skins. I strongly felt that within time, the City will overcome small squabbles and progress as it has in the past to shine as a lot of people feel that it can. Enough is enough. As intelligent as Dr. H is, as long as he has had any involvement serving in Council, he has been a real disappointment for his record of delaying progress for personal interest rather than for the City. The record shows that you have cost the City to way to much money. The City should strongly consider defining terms for how many years one can serve for council. We need to put a total cap of the number of years one can actually serve. What is to stop him for running again in another 4 years, as he has done in the past?
Granada Hills, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#5 2 hrs ago
Anyone wants to find out the TRUTH! You should go to City Hall and ask for all the record that these two council members voted for and how they destroyed the City of San Fernando. It's PUBLIC record! Don't just beleive the lies! I urgh you to find out the truth.

Joined: Mar 12, 2008
Comments: 76
Los Angeles, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#6 2 hrs ago
I grew up in the S.F. valley. Its like being in Mexico now. Rooster fights, gangs, trash everywhere. I dont even recognize it anymore.
Its not a racist remark...its the facts. Its the hispanic slums. Some parts are nice and some parts of the valley are so gross.
G Guzman
Los Angeles, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#7 1 hr ago
Granada Hills, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#8 1 hr ago
I'm pretty sure that if you're not for the recall. Then all you can say is lies. Because anything else MUST BE TRUE.
Mission Hills, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#9 1 hr ago
I have to say for someone to think what the recall is saying is lies must be brainwashed. Look at the minuts of all the city council meetings. The lawsuit with Jose Hernandez is public record. Those records don't lie.

Granada Hills, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#10 1 hr ago
Guzman?...sounds like the person that was harrassing us while we were getting the petitions sign by the best residents we have here in the City of San Fernando that want a change and finally their prayers have been answered.
All Lies
Los Angeles, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#11 1 hr ago
G Guzman wrote:
Jose Hernandez cannot be a racist. He is Hispanic. Hispanics are not racists. In fact, us light-skinned Latinos just love Mestizos and never discriminate against them. All lies, eh Guzzy?
San Fernando Resident
Los Angeles, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#12 1 hr ago
You can phone a resident and say to them that the recall proponents are liars, because it’s easy and deceitful.

We can walk door to door and talk to a voter face to face, answer their questions, show them proof that what we are disclosing is factual.

You can have a Retired Sylmar resident; send a mailer on your behalf, full of misleading information in an attempt to scare residents from signing.

We can respond faster than it took you to think of the mailer, again with evidence that the Retired Police Captain, does not reside in San Fernando, or that he has any ties the San Fernando PD or the Chief.

You can tell people what they want to hear, when to vote, how to vote and even whom to or not vote for...

Be what we did was EDUCATE to voters, hand delivered the evidence they needed to make their own educated decision if to sign or not sign the petition...

In 2005 and 2007 the Residents were silenced; but TODAY THE PEOPLE OF SAN FERNANDO HAVE FOUND THEIR VOICE AGAIN. They are saying in a LOUD voice, YES to the Recall and NO to Jose Hernandez and Julie Ruelas.

The Lies are with those opposing the recall. My question to those fighting the recall is "When are you all moving to San Fernando and become stakeholders with a voice"? Is that Xavier and Gerardo told you can’t live here?
Mission Hills, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#13 57 min ago
All Lies wrote:
<quoted text>
Jose Hernandez cannot be a racist. He is Hispanic. Hispanics are not racists. In fact, us light-skinned Latinos just love Mestizos and never discriminate against them. All lies, eh Guzzy?
It's funny now that I've been doing my own research and seeing these types of posts, the people that want Jose Hernandez and Julie Ruelas in are the ones that don't even live in the city. The people that seem to support them live in Pacoima and Palmdale. Guzman, or should I say "All Lies", are you a resident of San Fernando?
Steve Perez
North Hills, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#14 51 min ago
As of this morning, the recall organizers turned in over 2,200 signatures. They went over 29% of the required signatures. I understand that this is well over the normal 10% over the qualifying that most recalls seek to gather. GGuzman, if you are Gerry Guzman, the husband of the Mayor of San Fernando Nury Martinez who sides on the 3-Block vote with Jose Hernandez, PhD (PoliSci?)and Julie Ruelas, say your prayers that your wife's name wasn't on the recall. Oh and if you are Gerry Guzman, you claim to live in San Fernando and not L.A? What are you hiding?

Anyway, this recall effort is a reality and whatever claims are being made against this effort are insignificant. The facts are that approximately 29% of registered voters signed the petition. Which translates that close to 1/3 of the city's registered voters are discontent with both of the recall candidates. That is NOT A LIE!

Also not sure if this is a fact, but I don't believe either Julie Ruelas or Jose Hernandez have ever garnered 2,200 votes in an election but it's interesting that 2,200 think they should have a chance at being recalled....
Steve Perez
North Hills, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#15 51 min ago
By the way my post reads North Hills, I am a San Fernando resident.
The Martinez Family
North Hills, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#16 36 min ago
Sadly enough, many of us residents in San Fernando did not join you in helping gather the signatures. We were afraid. You each did an outstanding job and should be commended for not quitting.

Today, I would like to thank you for being brave enough to take on a challenge that we doubted was remotely possible. Thank you for reminding us that ever person counts. Thank you for giving us a chance at making this a great city and getting those clowns on the current clown-cil out.

You took had the courage to take and chance and you did it.

Thank you,
The Martinez Family
"Over 80 years of San Fernando History"
Granada Hills, CA Reply »
|Report Abuse |#17 14 min ago
All Lies wrote:
<quoted text>
Jose Hernandez cannot be a racist. He is Hispanic. Hispanics are not racists. In fact, us light-skinned Latinos just love Mestizos and never discriminate against them. All lies, eh Guzzy?
WHAT!!!! Hispanics are not racist? What a joke. I know for a fact that mexicans or if you want to call say hispanics....are very racists.....If they were not..they would not want to turn San Fernando like mexico and they would not go against speaking and learning english which they could learn it for FREEE! They will also would not try and have us Americans learning spanish.


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