Conservative Daily

Extremely rare for a military officer to speak out like this...

Top Marine Speaks Out About Obama Losing the Iraq War: 'It Breaks Our Hearts'
Do you think it's right for a high-ranking military officer to call out the...

Top Marine Speaks Out About Obama Losing the Iraq War: ‘It Breaks Our Hearts’

19,754 Shares By Jennifer Van Laar 10 hours ago

In a rare criticism of the Commander-in-Chief, Gen. James Amos slammed the administration’s Iraq policy at an event last week. The Commandant of the Marine Corps commented, according to The Fiscal Times:
I have a hard time believing that had we been there, and worked with the government, and worked with parliament, and worked with the minister of defense, the minister of interior, I don’t think we’d be in the same shape we’re in today.

We may think we’re done with all of these nasty, thorny, tacky little things that are going on around the world — and I’d argue that if you’re in that nation, it’s not a tacky, little thing for you. We may think we’re done with them, but they’re not done with us.
Retired Col. Oliver North said on the Kelly File that such comments by an active duty officer are almost unprecedented.
Senior officers on active duty rarely ever speak this way. I can think of MacArthur to Truman. I can think of Major General Jack Singlaub, who actually resigned his commission and then spoke about abandoning Korea to President Carter. But he…had resigned his commission to make that speech.
That Gen. Amos would speak out while still on active duty shows how strongly he feels about the setbacks Iraq has faced. Audio follows below:

“It breaks our hearts,” Amos said about the fall of the Anbar province in Iraq, which Marines had won in 2010. Amos noted that 852 Marines were killed and another 8,500 injured in Iraq, according to the Fiscal Times.
“They believed that they’d made a difference,” he said.
As the Commander-in-Chief and the Democratic Party continue to dismantle our military, pay little mind to the disillusionment of our troops, and refuse to make an ongoing outrage about veterans’ poor treatment by the VA, do you feel it is wrong for this retiring Marine General to speak up like this?
Or do you feel that maybe he has a higher sense of duty to the nation and to our military troops to say what he believes is right, when he feels it is necessary to do so?