California Assemblywoman Noreen Evans

Paying State Payroll Taxes With IOUs

By John Lillpop Friday, July 3, 2009
- Satire

By now, the entire world has heard that California can no longer pay its bills. The amount of money going out exceeds the amount coming in. Real simple arithmetic is in play here when you think about it.

Except, this is California, you see. Not only do the basic laws of nature not apply here, but the fundamentals of finance and common sense have gone missing as well.

To the outsider, California’s dilemma is paradoxical.

After all, this is home to Silicon Valley and high technology. Geniuses are everywhere, and the state is renowned for being on the cutting edge on all issues from sex to science.

Brilliance abounds, EXCEPT in state government because California is cursed with a gaggle of extreme tax and spend liberals in the State Assembly.

An example of outrageous liberal recklessness is described by writer Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and a tireless leader in the never-ending battle to contain liberal spending.

Coupal writes, in part, at

“Sacramento is now filled with a new crop of cash-eating locusts and they are no better than their predecessors. They show no remorse or regret for their failure to rein in spending and no sympathy for the taxpayer ants who themselves are struggling to get by and are wondering if they will make it through the winter of our declining economy.

“To add insult to injury, the grasshopper chorus now sings a new song, led by Assemblywoman Noreen Evans. She revealed the lyrics a few days ago before a conference committee on the budget. “This mantra out there ‘live within our means,’ while it sounds really nice, while it sounds really simple and it sounds really responsible, it’s meaningless,â€