Would you support him? I would!!!!

Here's something that'll surely drive liberal media members over the brink: President Sean Hannity.

Sound crazy?

Well, according to World Net Daily, the conservative talk show host would consider a run in 2012 if he's instructed by a higher power to do so (h/t Terri Green):

Talk-show host Sean Hannity, a vocal opponent of Barack Obama's policies, said today he would not rule out a bid for the presidency in 2012.

Egged on by radio colleague Bill Cunningham, Hannity said he would consider entering the front lines of the political fray if God directs him.

"I've never made a decision in my life without – whatever destiny God has you've got to fulfill it," he said. "I'm not sure that's my destiny."

I believe this conversation happened Friday as Hannity was airing his radio show in front of a live audience prior to his Freedom Concert in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Cunningham is an old friend of Hannity's with a syndicated talk show based in Cincinnati. The pair often have wild exchanges when on the air together.

Go get 'em, Sean. Just the idea of this would make liberals in the media apoplectic.

http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-shepp ... l-run-2012