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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Keeping them Focused on Benghazi

    Keeping them Focused on Benghazi

    Posted by Rottdawg on May 13, 2013

    Benghazi is a much bigger problem for the Administration than the IRS/Tea party issue, or at least that would be a good bet.

    The IRS targeting of Patriotic groups is no doubt a very big problem. Anytime a government agency as powerful as the IRS is targeting groups for political purposes it is BAD NEWS. A Federal Government agency targeting groups that educate the general public about freedom, raising taxes, patriotism, government controlled health care, and tyranny is unacceptable. Just imagine… a federal government that is opposed to groups that are opposed to tyranny!
    So yeah, it’s a HUGE deal.
    But let’s get back to Benghazi…
    Let’s go black helicopter for a bit here. From LibertyNews:
    …Here are the basics of what the schemers in government and the complicit media would like for us all to focus on and buy into:
    • Why wasn’t there better security at the consulate (keep this misleading word in mind) in Benghazi?
    • Why didn’t authorization come to move Special Forces in for protection and rescue?
    • Why was an obscure video blamed when everyone knew the video had nothing to do with it?
    • Did Obama’s administration cover-up the true nature of the attacks to win an election?
    …Here are the basics that we (America, in general) should be focusing on, but aren’t:
    • Why do media outlets continue to refer to the “Special Mission Benghazi Compound” as a consulate?
    • Where are the so-called “terrorist” attackers/murderers? Have we stopped looking for them?
    • Who and where are the rest of the survivors and those evacuated after the attack?
    • Why did the attackers know they should target the Special Mission Benghazi Compound, and what was their true intention – what did they really want?
    • Why is there now so little discussion of the role the CIA played in the facilities that were attacked?
    • Why were 23 of the 30 American officials evacuated from Benghazi active within the CIA? Only 7 of the 30 worked for the State Department? Yet the media continue to characterize the Benghazi facility as a State Department installation?
    • Was the CIA Annex a facility used in a secret gunrunning operation, and was Ambassador Chris Stevens involved?
    • Was the CIA Annex used to facilitate the flow of arms to (Muslim Brotherhood) insurgents fighting in Syria and possibly beyond?
    • Why are there two versions of the ARB (Accountability Review Board) Report? One is unclassified for public view, the other is highly classified, and while Congress can view it, they are legally forbidden to discuss it in public hearings or in news interviews.
    The LibertyNews article is well written and well sourced on many points. There are some unconnected dots and the article is obviously asking a lot of questions. Never the less, Geraldo Rivera already appears to be on the same page.

    Speaker Boehner’s resistance to a Select Committee, even though 136 Republicans are pushing for one, should give us some indication as to how big the Benghazi problem IS. We know John Boehner is not loyal to the Republican members of Congress, whom he serves; he is just good at twisting their arms to get them inline. I would not put it past Boehner to put together a deal in which if these members will back away from the Select Committee on Benghazi, he will support an investigation into the IRS scandal.
    So what’s the difference?
    I believe the difference is one story has Obama’s fingerprints all over it, and one doesn’t. Most likely, the IRS problem has the fingerprints of someone Obama is willing to throw under the bus; which could be anyone, remember poor old grandma? The Benghazi fingerprint is either his or someone very close to him. Not to mention if there is an Iran/Contra style arms deal going down…
    Watch the difference in answers between the two scandals from today’s presser straight from the horse’s ______ (fill in the blank).

    Which one of these issues looks like he is worried about? If you didn’t watch the whole thing, please watch the last few seconds… and think about this little blurb about biting one’s bottom lip and body language:
    Biting the lip, centrally or at the side, is often a sign of anxiety. Usually, this is the bottom lip (especially if the person has overhanging top teeth). This may be a habitual action and people who do this, will often repeat the move in predictable situations. It can also be an indicator for stress during lying.
    This is a fairly child-like action, especially if accompanied by wide eyes and eyebrows raised in the middle and lowered at the sides, and thus may betray concern about being told off or otherwise being censured in the manner of a child.
    As well as a comforting action, biting the lip can be a suppressing action as a person is stopping themself from saying something.
    Now that the MSM is actually covering Benghazi, we can’t be distracted by a shiny IRS story that everyone is shoving down our throats, including many members of congress… Call your representative today and tell them to stay focused on Benghazi.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    The Perfect Storm

    A “perfect storm” is an expression that describes an event where a rare combination of circumstances will aggravate a situation drastically. After last weeks Benghazi hearings and ABC finally reporting (earlier reported by Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard) about emails showing talking points were changed, many of the Sunday news shows were buzzing. In a press conference yesterday the President angrily dismissed the talking points controversy as a “sideshow.” While the Whitehouse and State Department continue to say they only made one change to the talking points, they in fact changed the talking points 12 times.
    On Thursday of last week we found out that the IRS admits to targeting conservatives. This is an issue that even Democrats can’t and won’t ignore. The story began with just being a small isolated incident and has already grown to include groups from coast to coast. Further more, the head of the IRS testified in front of Congress that the IRS doesn’t target conservative groups… It’s beginning to look like he lied to Congress. As a result of this revelation, it seems that they were not only targeting, the IRS may also have leaked confidential info about conservative groups.
    And to top it all off, yesterday we learned that the Justice Department secretly obtained phone record of the Associated Press. The records obtained detailed outgoing calls for the personal and work phone numbers of individual reporters, for general AP office numbers in New York, Washington, Hartford, Conn., and the main number for the AP in the House of Representatives press gallery.
    While all of this may be a perfect storm, it’s important to remember that some of these issues may have been leaked in an attempt to draw attention away from the bigger issue.

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