As president, you are neither infallible nor beyond reproach

Obama’s Unhealthy Obsession With Quashing Opposing Voices

By John Lillpop
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

As an intellectual and sophisticated man of advanced education, President Obama should know better than to believe the press clippings issued about him by biased leftist media in the name of news and analysis.

An experienced political professional should also be able to accept criticism without unraveling to the point of utter distraction.

After all, we do live a democratic society where the president serves at the pleasure of the people. He is neither royalty nor deity, despite what armies of Obamanites and the media tell him.

Criticism and a robust opposition come with the gig, Mr. President! Being elected president does not confer unlimited power on anyone, regardless of how precocious and handsome.

As president, you are neither infallible nor beyond reproach.
Sobbering adoration and hero worship doled out by the liberal media

Unfortunately, President Obama has apparently grown so accustomed to the slobbering adoration and hero worship doled out by the liberal media that he is unable to brook any sort of criticism whatsoever.

For example, after barely assuming the mantel of presidential power last January, Obama invited Republican members of Congress to the White House to get acquainted and to officially inaugurate commencement of the “post-partisan era,â€