If this concept of mass density continues, L.A. will look like a ghetto of 250 s.f. apts. filled with foreigners who are used to living conditions in China, India, and various third world countries! Mexican Mayor Villaraigosa said that "the days of the 2500 s.f. ranch house with a backyards and swimming pools ARE OVER! He wants to force everyone to abandon their cars, take mass transit, and live in teeny cubicles like rats. He cannot change the DNA of native residents...but the plan is to replace all of us! I'm sure he would love to use 'eminant domain' to tear down all single family homes in favor of massive ghetto housing projects! Sad!

Tackling the hydra

Mar 27th 2008 | LOS ANGELES
From The Economist print edition

Its politicians are determined to turn Los Angeles into a normal city
THIS week J. H. Snyder, a developer, broke ground for a new building in North Hollywood—a district in the San Fernando Valley where people shop for car batteries. Antonio Villaraigosa, Los Angeles' mayor, turned up to declare it a model for future development. The event made the evening news. There can be few cities the size of Los Angeles where the prospect of a nine-storey office complex would cause such a fuss. But this one comes with a weighty expectation. At least some people are expected to get to it by public transport, or even on foot.

Los Angeles has long epitomised car-oriented sprawl. As early as 1946 the historian Carey McWilliams judged it “a collection of suburbs in search of a cityâ€