Posted by Ben on August 11, 2010 · Comments (9)

Floyd Brown, Floyd Reports

[quote]We in the conservative movement are used to having the words of Robert Gibbs lobbed at us like grenades on a battlefield.

Gibbs has called conservatives "crazy." He has called us "birthers." He has said, "I’m almost positive that no argument is somehow going to dissuade [them]."

But now he isn’t firing only at conservatives. His utter frustration in the job has him targeting his guns at the Left. He even used the same word in describing the left-wing critics of Obama. He called them "crazy."

In an interview with The Hill newspaper, Gibbs said of attacks on the administration from liberal Democrats: "I hear these people saying he’s like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested," Gibbs said. "I mean, it’s crazy."

Obama’s press secretary wasn’t through. He went on to dismiss the "professional Left" saying, "They will be satisfied when we have Canadian healthcare and we’ve eliminated the Pentagon. That’s not reality."

Ironically, we have wanted these same critics of George W. Bush drug tested for years. Finally, Robert Gibbs and we share some common ground.

Seriously, his behavior is paranoid. Webster’s defines paranoid as "characterized by suspiciousness, persecutory trends, or megalomania."

This pretty much captures the modus operandi of the Obama administration: never talk about your opponents’ arguments, just demonize them.

As the popularity of the "Messiah-in-Chief" continues to fall, White House staff is getting desperate to defend itself. They are lashing out at more people and voting groups. This is not the healthiest reaction when the country is teetering on the brink of a depression and mired in an endless war. Charges of incompetence made by radicals on the Left or us conservatives on the Right are accurate and appropriate.

Gibbs’ statements were quickly ripped to shreds by the left-wing blogs.

Glenn Greenwald at Salon called the comments, "one of the most petulant, self-pitying outbursts seen from a top political official in recent memory, half derived from a paranoid Richard Nixon rant and the other half from a Sean Hannity/Sarah Palin caricature of The Far Left."

Chris Bowers of the OpenLeft blog responded in a post headlined "Dear swing voters, you suck. Love, The White House." He wrote, "If the White House really doesn’t think it has any problems among self-identified liberals or progressives, and that all the complaints are coming from a grasstop elite, it needs to look at the data again."

All I have to say to these new left-wing opponents of Obama is, “Welcome to the cause.â€