I wanted to share some photos of my home state, Oregon. Each time we take some time out, and take the kids for a few days to see some scenery and places, I really realize what I am fighting for. The overall freedom and openness we have always shared in this nation. The ability to travel freely, to speak freely, to enjoy the blessings (such as our beautiful nation) God has allowed us to have, and in that, the freedom to worship freely worship that same God, without fear of persecution.

Every time I take these tirps with our kids, they are short, our lives are quite full and we take what little time we have to enjoy it, I am so grateful for my state, my nation, and it really makes me more assured that what time I am able to devote (beyond our families need of me to manage most of what happens here) to calling DC, encouraging others to become involved, it is well worth it, and I cannot let it go, it is just too important.

Here is just a small part of my state, Oregon, this is just in the northestern corner, the Blue Mountains, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness near Prairie City Oregon, I encourage you all to get out, see the great creation in your state, take photos, and share them here: