By Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, Ret.

March 25, 2010

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything...Joseph Stalin

How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think…Adolph Hitler

Prior to this week’s congressional action on health care, an action that pushed the United States off a cliff overhanging a communist sea, white house press secretary Robert Gibbs the man of a perpetual sneer was asked by a NBC correspondent if he would agree that the manner in which the Democrat congress was seeking to circumvent normal legislative procedures exacerbated the perception that their operation was a dirty and underhanded process. True to his nature Mr. Gibbs put on the sour pickle face that he effects when aggrieved by a less than friendly question and moved quickly on to another query to avoid having to respond to the question. Unfortunately for the press secretary the camera and the mike had already captured the fact that this young lady had encapsulated perfectly the dirty underhanded process of a dirty underhanded Democrat congress. Suck it up Gibbs the lady nailed it and you know it.

I’m glad this socialized medicine kick is behind us as the endless monotonous intoning by Nancy Pelosi - this vacuous stick woman of the unblinking eyes - that she and her comrades were delivering the American people from capitalistic villains was grating on my nerves. It was like the scratching of nails across a chalkboard every time the fawning liberal media networks featured her on their propaganda broadcasts. To compound the misery one had to contend daily with network - and local - broadcasts of the president parading jerkily about a stage like a marionette on strings spewing an interminable string of lies to worshipping Democrats. I found myself wishing that he would go back to the oval office and put his big feet upon the desk like the clod that he is and spare those who don’t worship him the agony of his televised appearances.


Actually the Democrats scored a twin victory as they put into place a legislative rider on the health care bill that will saddle the American taxpayer with the cumulative debt of the nation’s nearly sixteen million college students. Glory! Liberal Americans will be ecstatic to learn that by government fiat taxpayers will be, in addition to the billions spent to provide health education and welfare for the nearly thirty million illegal aliens in the country, further assisting the Mexican economy by helping to fund the Acapulco spring breaks of thousands of frolicking pampered and indulged American college students. One wonders when these idiot politicians, and the dimwits who support them, last had a sane thought.

I wonder if when the president was cavorting around the white house after the vote slapping high fives upon his fellow miscreants it ever occurred to him that he and his clueless cohorts had set into motion the elements of a rapidly forming insurrection that will carry the nation into it’s final stages. I suspect that such a scenario has crossed his mind else why the frenzied urgency to build civilian internment camps and to condition the military to engage in the control of a dissident reaction to totalitarian suppression. But, since he is a classic Marxist I suspect that this usurper of the presidential office fully intends for such destruction to take place so that his utopian communist society might be raised from the ashes.


Expect Obama and his new Soviet Duma to move swiftly to consolidate their Marxist gains. The legalization of thirty million aliens by a blanket amnesty designed to add these to the rolls of Democrat voters will follow hard on the heels of their institution of socialized medicine. It will be necessary to strike swiftly before the havoc that will surely ensue from this new socialist program is fully realized. Like Stalin our new potentate knows that under the firm hand of a totalitarian government the people count for nothing, and like Hitler he also knows that the American people are sheep who let their government leaders do their thinking for them.


Grab your socks Mr. And Mrs. America you are experiencing the implementation of the Hegelian principle first hand, in the past totalitarian governments have used this principle to successfully steal free agency from the people and this includes the governments of Herr Hitler and Comrade Stalin. Know that as a fanatical student of Marxist ideology Barack Hussein Obama has studied the principle extensively, and as you will see he employed it brilliantly in his campaign for the presidency and in his quest for socialized medicine, read on.

The following is an easily understood explanation of the Hegelian principle as outlined by citizen columnist Barbara L. Minton in her article entitled: “The Hegelian Principle Helps Explain How The Powerful Got That Way.â€