Barack Obama finds out who really holds power

On both sides of the Atlantic, the same group of people decide who wins elections, says Janet Daley

By Janet Daley
Published: 9:00AM GMT 31 Jan 2010

Barack Obama is in big political trouble, so he has to make an explicit appeal to American middle-class voters. Gordon Brown is in big political trouble, so he has to make an explicit appeal to traditional British working-class voters. The funny thing is that these two groups are really the same sort of people. In the US, "middle class" means "middle income" – not the rich, or even highly educated professionals, but ordinary working people in skilled blue-collar or clerical white-collar jobs, or who run small businesses (such as "Joe the Plumber", who became John McCain's most famous supporter during the presidential race). But in Britain, "middle-class" means "bourgeois", with all the Marxist connotations, and it is as much a cultural as an economic classification. It is possible to be middle-class in one's tastes and attitudes (toward education, for example) and quite poor, or to be working-class in one's tastes and attitudes, and quite wealthy – a phenomenon that the British tend to find utterly hilarious.

So the constituency that Mr Obama was addressing in his State of the Union address last week would, in this country, be regarded as lower-middle-class, or what used to be called "respectable working-class". It is important to understand this if one is to avoid confusion about what American politicians are actually saying when they refer to the problems of the middle class or to the need for "middle-class tax cuts".

But there is an even more significant distinction between the British and American scenes. The great mistake that Mr Obama is now believed to have made in his first year of office was to have ignored the concerns of the American middle-income population. This misjudgment has counted against him in a quite spectacular way, because no mature political leader of any party should have made it. It is engraved on the consciousness of all ambitious politicians in the US that the most basic principles of national life are rooted in the ethic of the confident, demanding, easily provoked middle class. What Mr Obama referred to repeatedly as "American values" in his speech to Congress are really the values of this class: self-reliance, self‑improvement, industriousness – and, as the Obama White House has found to its cost, antipathy to being bossed around by Big Government.

So his initial disregard for it must now be atoned for, and he seems to have some idea of what he has to say to get on its wavelength: he has to talk of freezing federal spending and of lowering taxes. He has to point out that 95 per cent of "working families" have had their taxes cut, and boast of the fact that he has not raised income tax "by a penny". His actual record on these matters may be disputable, but there was no mistaking the intention of his message: if there was to be any hope of connecting with those hard-working, struggling American families, it was by talking lower taxes and reduced public spending.

That is a truth that successful presidents of all political persuasions, at least since the middle of the past century, have accepted. Try to guess which previous president included these lines in his own State of the Union speech: "[Economic recovery requires] the enactment… of a substantial reduction and revision in Federal income taxes, [because] our tax system exerts too heavy a drag on private purchasing power, profits and employment." Such a reduction, this president went on, would "encourage the initiative and risk-taking on which our free system depends… and reinforce the American principle of additional reward for additional effort".

Was it one of those pillars of Right-wing economic ideology, Ronald Reagan or George W Bush, who uttered these words? Nope. It was John F Kennedy in 1963. In the past, even liberal Democrats have known the economic truths on which the American middle class based its philosophy, and they knew, too, that these were people to be reckoned with, who regarded themselves as being at the centre of what national life was about.

Which is quite different from their counterparts in Britain, who really only discovered themselves as a political force in the 1980s, when they were mobilised by Margaret Thatcher. Before then, they were the butt of caricature: the absurdly ambitious strivers whose manners had pretensions to gentility but whose tastes were as gauche as their accents. Despised for their disloyalty by the unreconstructed working classes whom they had left behind, and disdained by the high bourgeoisie for their vulgar ambition, they were in a political no man's land. Old Labour loathed them for their abandonment of their proletarian roots and traditional Conservatives were reluctant to court them, preferring to make aristocratic, paternalist gestures to the "poor" rather than associate themselves with people they saw as grasping parvenus.

Then along came Mrs Thatcher – and you know the rest. So galvanised were the aspiring classes by the heroine who had risen from their own ranks that they swept away all the old assumptions about whose values needed to be addressed in the political game. And the old Labour Party was swept away too. In came New Labour and Mondeo Man, and an apparent recognition that aspiration was a legitimate aim in life, not an embarrassing faux pas. Not that the ridicule stopped. Such was the palpable fury over the political ascendancy of a "greengrocer's daughter" (I wonder if anyone who used that phrase now feels any trace of shame?) that the assault on Essex men, with their flashy cars and flashier wives, became vicious to a degree that I still find shocking in recollection.

But that's pretty much over now. For all the desperate Labour flirtation with a revived class war, there is a new political settlement with which everyone must come to terms. As every remotely sane Labour politician knows, the constituency that decides elections here is now remarkably similar to the one that decides them in the US. It is a working middle class (no contradiction there) that is increasingly confident in its independence and resentful of any attempt to deprive it of a route to self-advancement (especially for its children).

It is especially powerful electorally because it contains so many swing voters, and is peculiarly alert to the economic consequences of government decisions. Unlike more passive, complacent sections of society, it really pays attention to what politicians say. And when it does not hear what it likes, as Mr Obama and Mr Brown have both discovered, it gets very, very angry. ... power.html