If The Banks Fail...
By Dick Eastman

First, find a real president and put him in office. (Bob Bowman type.)
Support him with daily demonstrations in every major city as he...

1) Takes the national banking system away from the Federal Reserve System;

2) By executive order orders that that check clearing from now on be conducted outside the Federal Reserve System -- either nationalizing the Fed check-clearing system or creating an emergency system of check clearing should the owners of the Federal Reserve System sabotages the check clearing machinery to thwart the President's national rescue plan -- another check clearing system will be devised. The clearing of checks will be slower but that problem will be minor.

3) Declares that the required reserves of the Federal Reserve system will now be directly under the control of the United States government. The money supply of the United States will be controlled by the national government -- by the White House itself. There will be no more open market operations dealing in US securities. There will be no more setting of the discount rate/Federal Funds rate. The President will control the money supply by increasing or decreasing the administered level of reserves in the various banks.

4) As the President is now controlling the flexible money supply by increasing or decreasing the amount of checking account money the individual banks are allowed to lend he will be in an immediate position to stop the foreclosure of housing loans and the calling of business and other loans. He will be increase lending capacity of every bank in every state and every country of every state so that people will have money to conduct their affairs without distress. Those loans will be important because there is going to be a lot less imported into this country -- and a lot of opportunity for Americans -- all Americans -- to have jobs to get our self-sufficient high-standard of living economy built. We will even want those Mexicans to stay to help us build what we are going to build here -- because they are not going to be taking jobs away from people any more.

5) The President will next require that American corporations (US incorporated or majority ownership by American citizens) with industry in foreign countries will have to break up into purely foreign and purely domestic firms or they will have to diverst themselves of either their American or their foreign holdings. The US will not longer allow American companies to produce or invest in foreign lands.

6) For foreign corporations (majority foreign owned) that own factories or commercial or financial firms in the US -- they will be allowed to swap for shares of American owned firms overseas.

7) Next the corporation structure will be disolved. The limited liability "legal person" institution will be abolished. All firms will become legal partnerships with full liability upon the decision-making owners of fifty-one percent of the company. Stock shares in these companies may be sold -- over the internet -- without Wall Street or investment banks being involved -- a true populist capital market -- up to 49 percent of the capitalization of the firm. This 49 percent of investors may legally have limited liability, as long as the decision-making "partnership" owners of 51 percent of the stock have full liability. Or, if the owners do not want the risk, they can sell stock in their firms to other investors which will share in liability. The policy of the United States will be to move toward smaller firms with very few owners all with full liability for the actions of the firm.

All debt to the Federal Reserve will be repudiated.

9) Legal proceedings in the form of international lawsuits will be undertaken agains the major investment bankers who had a hand in the 9-11 false-flag attacks on the US. The United States will join with the people of Afghanistan and Iraq for full compensation from the Rothschilds and all other investment bankers for their role in provoking war with frame-up mass-murder terrorism.

10) Our debt will be paid by taking America's billionaires and sueing them for criminal behavior. The assets of our billionaires will be taken away from them. The US will be the first to take them to court and will get first claim on their fortunes. Their assets abroad will be given to those nations to whom Americans owe debt. We will turn over our former billionaires to whatever countries around the world wish to take them to court. (Without their money it will be very easy for them to get the justice they deserve.) It is hoped that China will enjoy 100 percent ownership of all currently US owned assets in their country.

11) The US government will repudiate all foreign owed debt -- losing all of its credit standing so it can never borrow again -- but we will not be overthrown by banker agents -- we will be expecting the international banker's agents to cause this kind of trouble and will be ready for them. This time we go after them -- they don't come aftger us.

12) well -- you get the idea. I wrote this in 10 minutes -- see how easy it is? (Almost any well-intentioned plan is bound to be a success after being subjected to 100 years of plans working towards our destruction. Still I think especially likely to yield good results.)

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.

Here is a post expanding some of the thinking from which this proposal is derived.
Two-loop and M3 (economics)