Is it better to compromise our conservative principles and support McCain, or stand back as bystanders and watch the election unfold knowing we remained true and didn’t compromise our conservatism?

Now that my outrage and hotheaded emotions have subsided following the perfect storm primary throwing McCain into our laps, I am trying to analyze our options that will best ensure the survival of the conservative principles that have spawned the greatest nation humanity has ever known.

The cold reality is that at some level we conservatives understand the future course of the United States is at a crossroads. It is undeniable, that this November a tectonic shift could very well take place and true European style socialism will sweep the land. In addition the all but certain illegal immigration amnesty that will result combined with the continued refusal of America’s elected officials to secure our borders, means that the United States will have thrown out the melting pot principles that moulded us for over 200 years as true Americans, one nation, indivisible under God and forever fragmented it’s citizenry into a myriad of small interest groups that care more about their own issues than about what it means to be American.

I think in analyzing our conundrum, it is best to draw from the experience of time, history and human nature.
Indeed our Founding Fathers had amazing insight into the dangerous human predisposition toward apathy when they wrote in the Declaration of Independence [i]“all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while the evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.â€