Ads Link Projected US Population Increase to Higher Dependence on Foreign Oil

Efforts to Conserve Energy Overwhelmed by Immigration-Driven Population Growth

SANTA BARBARA - Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) and its partners in America's Leadership Team for Long Range Population-Immigration-Resource Planning unveiled an ad campaign this week to raise America's awareness of the role population growth plays in the demand for energy. The ads will appear in major national publications.

"Population growth is erasing the gains that the United States has made in conserving energy. High energy prices, traffic jams, and diminishing resources are symptoms of the overpopulation problem. With the nation's population increasing by 3 million each year, Americans won't be able to conserve their way out of the energy shortages," said Diana Hull, the organization's President.

Soaring gasoline prices have led to reduced driving and much public debate, but little attention has been given to the role of population growth in increasing demand.

"California's per capita energy consumption has been flat for over 30 years, even though consumers acquired new, more, and bigger power hungry gadgets. Yet the state's total energy consumption has increased dramatically along with the state's population and this growth overwhelmed all the gains we made in conservation and energy efficiency," continued Hull.

The United States now has a population of 305 million, a number that is projected to jump by another 100 million in 30 years. If no action is taken to change policies causing this increase, the U.S. will face a population of 600 million people by the end of the century.

More than 80 percent of U.S. population growth will continue to be a direct result of immigration and births to immigrants. In California-where the population has mushroomed to 38 million-that immigration component accounts for virtually 100 percent of the growth.

This national ad campaign is part of a long-term effort by CAPS and its partners,â€