Election Riots

September 17, 2012 by Tim Young

Expect Occupy-type protests to ramp up as Election Day approaches.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were an easy way out of elections?

Why bother running a billion-dollar campaign to have people actually vote on your policy positions when you can scare people both mentally and physically into keeping you in power?

Many tyrannies have done this throughout the years. If we look around the world today in countries like Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and Russia, we can see plenty of “questionable” elections.

One of the things I used to say a lot was “It’ll never happen here,” because I’m a patriot. I believe in America and the principles that this country was built on. But on top of being a patriot, I’m also a political scientist. Yes, I sat through a decade of college education to learn theories behind multiple forms of government and how people can be manipulated.

And when I see what has been going on in America over the past two years, my eyebrow more than raises. There have been many more efforts to thwart elections and manipulate the way we think than ever before.

Take Wisconsin, for instance. “How dare a Governor and legislature stand up against unions!” is what we heard for months. Even though Scott Walker and his Republican compatriots were elected properly by the people and had laid out their plans ahead of time, they were called every evil term in the book.

Traditionally, when a party loses an election, its members stew for a bit, comment negatively on the people who won and run against them in the next election.
But this was not to be the case in Wisconsin. It was time to change the system for the easier and more immediate way to win. This was accomplished in a very simple two-step process.

  • Step 1: Protest, protest, protest.
  • Step 2: Scare people enough to sign a petition to hold an election as soon as possible.

Mission accomplished. Or was it?

Once the protesting stopped and the elections were held, Republicans won again, which was not the plan.

Sadly for unions, it turned out that the people who voted the first time voted again the second time, allowing the same people to keep making the same decisions.
Wisconsin was only the testing ground for this year’s strategy to keep the White House.

Once those protests ended in 2011, we saw the uprising of the Occupy movement.

This movement — which was loosely called a “movement,” because most of the protesters sat on their butts in tents all day long — was designed to stir up anger and emotions from the general population and disregard the fact that the Democrats on the national level weren’t accomplishing anything.

Mission not accomplished.

Near the end of the “American Fall,” or whatever it was that they were calling it, the disorganized chaos started to get loud and nasty. We saw attacks in Seattle, but also traffic-stopping protests in major thoroughfares in New York and Washington, D.C. At the end of the day, the general population had no idea why this was happening. But that’s OK, because most of the protesters had no idea either.

Similar protests are occurring in Mexico as you read this. It’s almost too convenient that countries around the world are having similar protests with similar groups of people isn’t it?

Someone or some organization is trying to change the way the world thinks. You can believe that even though it’s quiet now, we will hear from them again when the weather gets a bit cooler.

We’ve had major protests off and on all year long, so why is it quiet now? One of the reasons may be because the people involved are training for something much bigger than before.

The Service Employees International Union on its website offered protester training and meet-ups throughout the country. I can only imagine that this is being done so that the SEIU can influence the national election in November. After all, why have people vote logically when you can scare them?

As we get closer to November and the President has less and less to stand on as far as his accomplishments go, we will need to be distracted in order to re-elect him. That is where the protests come in.

If there are riots in every major city where the majority of people vote, then there will be less of a chance that people will: A) Vote for the guy the mobs don’t like, or B) Vote at all.

See how that works? So if in November you have a couple thousand people in the streets of your hometown screaming how much they hate Mitt Romney, what are the odds that a normal person will stand his ground, make his way through the protests and vote for Romney?

Slim to none.

I know from working for Republican presidential campaigns in the past that unions will stop at nothing to influence voting the day of the election. There were at least 10 people representing unions standing outside each election place — that’s right, 10 — the year that I was working in Philadelphia, to “help people vote.”

What does “help people vote” mean? Well, I like to say it’s like helping someone buy me birthday presents.

You’re not going to have a choice as to what you buy me if you let me “help” you.

So you can see what’s going to happen in America the closer we get to Election Day.

There will be distracters and folks trying to stop you from thinking freely so that the people in charge can stay in charge.

Whether you believe in our system or not, you need to believe that you should vote and that every vote counts (I get tired of hearing that line myself, but I still believe it). So, if you don’t vote, you really are letting your country go in the wrong direction.

–Tim Young

Election Riots : Personal Liberty Digest™