World Government: Impractical, Unnecessary, Insane!

By Giordano Bruno

Neithercorp Press – 05/23/2010

Every culture in history has had innumerable difficulties and imbalances, some of them due to a lack of understanding amongst the populace, and many others due to corruption in government. Human beings have been dragging themselves out of the muck over and over again for centuries. The struggle for a better world, a world that meets the standards of our inherent conscience, has always demanded overwhelming labor, bravery, sacrifice, logic, wisdom, and sometimes even genius. And through it all, it has been those men who sought to be truly free that were able to contribute most to the betterment of the human condition. Not just those who are politically free, but also psychologically free.

For many of us, the need to honor and even surpass the accomplishments of those who came before is absolutely tantamount to our success as a species. However, there are many who see the concept of ‘hard work’ as an anathema, a mental “diseaseâ€