Oscar Antonio Mendoza, Puerto Rican Tourist, Dead Following Naples Mugging

by Kate Auletta Subscribe to Kate Auletta's posts
Posted May 27th 2011 11:00 AM

A Puerto Rican tourist who had just disembarked from his cruise ship in Naples is fighting for his life following brain surgery after being attacked by muggers, the Associated Press reports.

Oscar Antonio Mendoza was walking from the port in Naples when two muggers on a motor scooter tried to take his Rolex, Police Major Paolo Zito told the Associated Press.

When Mendoza refused to give up the watch, the robbers pushed him to the ground and fled. Upon falling, Mendoza hit his head.

He underwent brain surgery at Naples' Loreto Mare hospital where his doctor, Maria Corvino, said the prognosis is guarded.

Napoli officials warn visitors not to wear expensive jewelry when wandering the streets.

In 2009, the Italian city instituted the Escodentro Project, where ex-cons assist tourists with directions and guide them around town to ensure they aren't harmed. (The above photo is of a drug offender providing directions to tourists in Naples in September 2009).

UPDATE 5/27: The 66-year old Mendoza has died of his injuries following the attack, the AP reported today.

His doctor, Dr. Maurizo Postiglione, head of intensive care at the hospital, told the AP via phone that Mendoza failed to regain consciousness after falling. He suffered multiple brain contusions. The Puerto Rican tourist was with his wife when the attack occurred.

http://news.travel.aol.com/2011/05/27/o ... k1%7C66577