By Betty Freauf
November 27, 2009

For a number of months since President Barack Obama has been president, I’ve been watching further descent of America into Marxism caused by his appointing one after another unelected officials to key positions in government. I’ve been told the mother eagle when she wants her eaglets to learn how to fly begins pulling the twigs from their comfortable nests and the thought came to me that maybe God is allowing twigs to be pulled from our comfortable nests one after another hoping we would as a nation collectively repent. As the eaglets begin to shiver from the cold, they decide to try out their wings and when their first attempts fail, momma eagle swoops underneath them to save them from going splat on the ground.

When we read our Old Testament we see God blessing Israel when they trusted and believed in Him by giving them good kings but when they refused to repent, He sent them evil kings who made life miserable for the people and so the pendulum swings – to and fro. Could it be what is happening today is simply a result of Americans in general continuing to keep one foot in Egypt? As a result, is God pulling the twigs from our comfortable nests by allowing evil leaders to be elected? Allow me to use this as a correlation of the TV program “the Nannyâ€