Sweden: Court ties murder attempt to Islam

A court in Jönköping drew parallels between a murder attempt of a woman and the perpetrator's attitude towards women, which according to the court is characterized by Arab culture and that the man is Muslim.

At the Discrimination Ombudsman they were surprised at the wording of the sentencing and several local Muslim associations are critical.

Masoomabai Takisdotter Virani, spokesperson for the Association of Shia Muslims in Jönköping says that she's very insulted, naturally, and that Islam and Muslims represent many other things which are much better. This denigrates all Muslims and causes new prejudices.

What caused strong reactions among several Muslim associations in Jönköping is how the court phrased its verdict against a man sentenced to 8 years in jail and deportation from Sweden after he had tried to kill his ex-wife.

The court drew parallels between what the man did and his attitude towards women, which according to the court, is affected by Arab culture and Islam.

Lars-Göran Klemming, acting judge at the Jönköping court says that he was characterized by his culture and religion, namely that he considers women as subordinates in different respects. He would rule.

Q: It's not so common for one, for example, to read in a judgment that a man hit his wife since he came from Western culture?

A: No, it isn't, says Lars-Göran Klemming.

At the discrimination ombudsman (DO), they were surprised at the phrasing.

Caroline Diab, spokesperson for the DO, says that court should be careful of generalizing which is linked to ethnicity or of putting criminal behavior to a person's religion or ethnicity.

Several Muslim association in Jönköping also react against the court's use of sweeping phrasing in this way, says Masoomabai Takisdotter Virani.

She says that she thinks that the judges who have spoken about it shouldn't phrase themselves that way. There's no excuse to say that one is Muslim and that he can therefore act this way.

Source: SR (Swedish)

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