I know this video is short; and it is in Spanish, also. But please look at the background: there is a poster of Che Guevara and another of Hugo Chavez. The man speaking is Eliseo Medina, third ranking official in the SEIU. Medina testified this spring at the Senate Immigration Subcommittee hearing on immigration reform. A few months later he was in Mexico conferring with governmental officials concerning labor rights of their people in the United States. Medina has a special ability to do this because he is also a Mexican citizen. The SEIU reported this meeting in its blog of June 17, 2009.

Numerous gatherings have been sponsored by local SEIU unions in the United States to extoll the "Bolivarian Revolution" that Hugo Chavez has been promoting in Venezuela. You can even hear the word "Venezuelano" and "Caracas" in the video. He is meeting with a organizer of the public transit workers union in Caracas, named Roberto Pagan.

The SEIU has practically an open door with the Obama administration. It may have raised as much as $60 million for his campaign. Second ranked official, Anna Burger, is a top level "economic" advisor to Obama. We need to put them all on the spot for why they can give economic advice to the US governmentand also support and promote anti-America Hugo Chavez. We need to ask if SEIU is paving the way for a "Bolivarian Revolution" in the US, as well.

Please ask your senator to expose the SEIU as a corrupt, anti US organization with no business at our highest levels of government.