I reached there just after one and both sides of the block were lined with both Coakley supporters and protestesters. The doors opened at one and I found out there were people who had come as early as six and that people who got there at nine could not get in. I spent several hours there and left when the event was over. I did not get to see anyone well known but thought I might have seen Martha Coakley leave with Mayor Curatone of Somerville. I went to Davis Square in Somerville where I usually hang out and went to CVS Pharmacy, the Joshua Tree Bar and then the Diesel Cafe. At the Diesel Cafe I found the core Coakley entourage and got within five feet of Coakley. I had my camera with me and got a nice shot and when I tried to reshoot I forgot to reset and she stopped and started to pose when an attendant hurried her along. I got to speak with the Mayor after she left and he thinks it is not entirely her fault it is a toss up with a chance she will lose. "Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory".