What Piers Morgan doesn’t want you to know about Britain and violent crime

Posted by The Right Scoop on December 21st, 2012

National Review posted this yesterday and this is perhaps why Piers Morgan gets all interrupty when someone tries to explain how bad violent crime is in Great Britain:
According to the Mail, Britons suffer 1,158,957 violent crimes per year, which works out at 2,034 per 100,000 residents. By contrast the number in notoriously violent South Africa is 1,609 per 100,000.
The U.S., meanwhile, has a rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, which is lower than France’s, at 504; Finland’s, at 738; Sweden’s, at 1123; and Canada’s at 935.
As a result of both the different ways in which these statistics are collected and of varying definitions of “violent crime,” there will naturally be some discrepancies between countries. Enough to account for a 5:1 difference between Britain and the United States, though? I rather think not.

And here’s a chart from that posting in the Daily Mail in 2009 which shows that the UK tops crime in Europe:

See, we’re not even in the top 10, just as the article pointed out. Maybe someone should show Piers Morgan this chart and make him choke on that rubbish he is getting all self-righteous about.
